Please read the following and indicate by ticking below which type or types of work you would be prepared to do:
A. Outside Church: at various entrances and exits (no entry and exit via the same door) helping people to maintain social distancing when approaching the building and at the door (two meters apart). Remember not everyone is as aware of this or as compliant as they should be. They may also object and need to be told clearly!).
B. Inside Church: After each person visiting there will be cleaning and sanitising of benches and kneelers, including the backs of the benches in front and any areas and surfaces people may have touched during their visit. This is to be done after people vacate their place and before anyone else sits or kneels there. Cleaners will need to note where people have sat or knelt in order to do this.
C. Polite but firm supervision of people in church to maintain social distancing and stop conversations. Groups from the same family or household may sit together.
D. Opening and locking of doors at required times and sanitisation of door handles etc.
E. Any other duties arising.