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Quiz Night: Saturday 22nd April


7.30pm for an 8pm start

Tickets £5, are available from Crossroads Café (931 5082) Tea/coffee available

Bring your own Beer/wine/nibbles!

Money raised will be going to fund essential repairs to the Crossroads centre 

22nd April
22nd April

Is God Calling You to Carmel?


A day of discernment and information from Carmelite Friars and nuns:


22 April from 10.30 to 4pm at the Carmelite Retreat House in Preston


More information: Fr John on 

20th April

A fund raising day for victims of the African famine on Thursday 20 April from 10 am till 4p.m at 22 Marldon


Coffee, tea and biscuits with entrance.


Plants , gifts, cakes and raffle. 

Further Ahead ...


  • FOODBANK:  We need support to date and sort the foods to ensure that we can process the food orders for the Foodbank Centres.   Please ‘phone 934 3055 if you can help.  Many thanks. 

  • DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP: Second Wednesday of the month at St. Thomas’ Canterbury Room in Gt. George’s Road.  Beginning at 11 am and ending with a light lunch.   Further details from Maureen Knight (522 1040)

  • KNIT AND STITCH: From 2 pm to 4 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Sunshine Room at SS Peter & Paul’s Church.




  • NORTHERN CATHOLIC CONFERENCE:  Takes place on the 9th, 10th, 11th June at Liverpool Hope University.  “My Soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord”.  Speakers include, Kristina Cooper, Fr. Pat Deegan, Fr. Eamonn Mulcahy, Steve Murray and David Wells.  Bishop John Arnold will celebrate Mass on Sunday 11th June.  Full board accommodation or day only attendance available for delegates.  For more information phone Denise (07543 800 812) or look up



  • PILGRIMAGE TO BANNEUX:  If you would like to go on the Pilgrimage in August, please contact Mgr. John Furnival (0151 928 3456 or e-mail: for more information.  Everyone welcome!



  • EMPIRE THEATRE:  ‘War Horse’ on Monday 27th November.  Tickets £37.  Please contact the Parish Office for more information.



We are Roman Catholic Churches in Crosby and Blundellsands,  near Liverpool. 


The Parish Office

St Helen's Church

112 Alexandra Road



L23 7TQ

The Presbytery

St Joseph’s Church

40 Warren Road



L23 6UE

Tel: 0151 924 3417    E:

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