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St. Helen’s and St Joseph's offer a variety of Parish groups, as well as groups open to the wider community.  Have a look at the list shown, and see if there’s one either you or your family might like to join.  You will be very welcome. If you would like any further information about any of the groups, please contact the Parish Office



For details about CAFOD click here.


We meet each Monday to study and reflect on the readings for the following Sunday. Through understanding better the language and discovering the context of the readings, we hope to discover the challenges and joys the Gospel offers to our daily lives in the week ahead by discussing (informally) our own experiences, doubts, successes, stumblings and hopes. Join us at St. Helen’s Parish centre, Mondays, 7:30. All welcome, including occasional ‘drop- ins’ and members of the ‘I don’t get it’ part of the Church: no previous experience / knowledge necessary; questions welcome.  Just turn up or, for further details, please contact Martin Bennett on 07931902346 or




Welcome to the Bridge Club, which meet each Tuesday afternoon in the St Helen's Parish Centre.  If you would like to learn to play Bridge, or practise your skill, in this friendly, informal, group, please contact the Parish Office.


Welcome to Crosby Art Class which meets in St. Helen’s Parish Centre on Thursdays at 1.30pm  during term time.   There is a charge for tuition.  If you would like more details, please contact the Parish Office, or call in on Thursday and see if it’s for you!



Welcome to the Newman Association – speakers are invited to talk on a variety of topics  relevant to the Church to-day.  Meetings take place regularly in the Parish Centre and are publicised in the newsletter.  If you would like more information, please contact the Parish Office


Welcome to the St. Pio Prayer Group – the group meets each Monday at 2 pm in St. Helen’s Church for a Holy Hour of prayer with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  Saint Pio was born of simple, hardworking farming people on the 25th May, 1887, in Pietrelcina, Southern Italy.  He was tutored privately until his entry into the Capuchin Friars at the age of 15.  Of feeble health but strong will, with the help of grace he completed the required studies and was ordained a Priest in 1910. On the 20th September, 1918, the five wounds of Our Lord’s Passion appeared on his body, making him the first stigmatized Priest in the history of the Church. ​This is an intercessory prayer group and everyone is welcome to come along and join in Prayer.  Refreshments are available in the Centre afterwards, giving the opportunity to ‘catch up’ with those we know and to make new friends.   To find out more, just come along any Monday afternoon, or contact the Parish Office.




Welcome to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP). We are lucky enough to have an active group in each parish. The St Helen's Group meets each Thursday evening at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre, following Mass at 7.00 pm. According to the Crosby Conference Report y/e 31 March 2019 we have visited about 30 local people / families on a regular basis and others when needed.  We made 855 separate visits last year. Our total visits were :- families 136, people in their own homes 235, people in Care Homes 310, those with mental health problems 56, parishioners in hospital 99, Homeless16, Ex- Offenders 1, Others 2. We also provided transport by car on 129 occasions.



Since reforming in 2015 and with 12 active members four years later, the St Joseph's Group meets fortnightly, usually Monday evenings at 7.30 pm in the presbytery. With monthly collections and other activities/donations generating some £5,500 per year, support activities include (a) Parish: taking parishioners to Mass; visits to those in residential care or house-bound; supermarket vouchers to needy families; supplies to the Waterloo Food Bank; sale of SVP Christmas cards (b)Liverpool: cash/clothes/furniture to Bootle SVP group; Christmas food hampers to families via Nugent; food deliveries to the Sisters in Seel St for meals to the homeless; new socks/underwear/toiletries, also good quality second-hand clothes, to homeless men at the Whitechapel Centre; large cooking utensils for the asylum seekers’ soup kitchens at St Anne’s, Overbury St, also clothes; good quality furniture donated for others in need (c) Overseas: cash to SVP groups in India, directed to the elderly with no family support, also books, uniforms, umbrellas (monsoons!) for students; much needed female underwear to Africa; support for a medical student from Zambia in desperate need to finish his studies. New members are always welcome.  If you would like more information or know anyone who would benefit from some help please contact the Parish Office.


Welcome to the Crosby & District Branch of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).  The group meet at 7.30 pm on the first Thursday of each month in the Parish Centre, following Mass at 7 pm.   New members are always welcome!  If you would like more information please contact Anne at


Welcome to St. Helen’s Prayer Group – the group meet each Tuesday evening at 8 pm in the Parish Centre (following Novena at 7.30 pm in the Church).    If you would like to deepen your prayer life in the company of like minded people you are very welcome to come along to a meeting. You are also invited to come to St. Helen’s Church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each Monday evening from 7 pm to 8 pm.  For more information, please contact the Parish Office.


Welcome to the Union of Catholic Mothers’ (UCM) – the group meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month at 1.30pm in the Parish Centre.  If you would like more information please contact the Parish Office.

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